Yes, we can support for trial order for quality test. Normally we can arrange air curtain delivery from China to customer address directly by courier. It is good for our long time cooperation.
It depends on whether you need our standard products or want to do customization, and also depends on the speed of customs clearance and logistics. We have standard prodcuts in stock, so can arrange delivery in three working days.
It depends on your requirement, from 100usd to 1000usd. As we have different size of air curtain, for the commercial use and for industrial use. You can contact our expert to get the details cost.
Of course, but now it is better to wait until the epidemic subsides. Now we support online factory inspection, or you can arrange the third party to inspection
We have 4 steps for quality control system:raw material control,assemble control,test control,packing control
We are the top 3 air curtain facotry in China, with two 2000sqm warehouse for stock and raw material, so we can finish assebly quickly and arrange delivery within 3day.
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