DC Air Curtain

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Dettagli del prodotto

DC air curtain working principle

DC12v or 24v air-curtain is used to install on the entrance of the refrigerated vehicle,it will block the hot air go inside the truck and at the same time prevent the cold air from going outside,providing nearly 50% saving of heat loss.

dc air curtain working principle


Suitable for application in bus or truck

Blocking dust, flies, and warm air from coming inside during opening and closing doors

It is easy for installation and maintenance

Large air volume and low noise


Equipped with Ion-Cluster

SS304 material

DC 12v or 24v Air Curtain Parameters:

ModelloMisurare Energia Volume d'ariaVelocità dell'aria Peso
CD-C08806*168*150 mm80 W1030 m³/h12 SM7 kg
CD-C09906*168*150 mm120 W1200 m³/h12 SM8.5 kg
CD-C101006*168*150 mm150 W1350 m³/h12 SM10.5 kg
CD-C121206*168*150 mm160 W1700 m³/h12 SM13 kg
CD-C131306*168*150 mm180 W1900 m³/h12 SM15 kg

Advantages of cd air tech DC12v or 24v air curtain

  1. Even smaller size than the standard one, it can save space with lower noise
  2. Use ball bearing with a long lifetime.
  3. Alu impeller as options, it can used at-25℃

DC 12V OR 24V Air Curtain Projects

DC Air Curtain on bus
barriera d'aria per camion frigorifero
DC Air Curtain on refrigerated truck
dc air curtain for truck
DC Air Curtain on truck

Factroy Show Case

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