Топ 10 air curtain suppliers in the USA


Based on my over10 years of experience in selling all kinds of Air Curtain products, I found that there are many excellent air curtain suppliers in the United States market. With a careful search, you can get a lot of information of air curtains, including company, products, prices, contact information, and so on. Now, I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 Air Curtain suppliers in the U.S. market for your reference and selection.


Тип компанії: Manufacturing

Основний продукт: Architectural Air Curtains, Commercial Air Doors, Sanitation Certified Air Curtains, Industrial Air Curtain, Повітряні завіси & Air Doors for Hazardous Environments.

 Berner has Superb technology, advanced equipment, and skilled workers to produce the most efficient, good-looking, cost-effective, reliable air curtains on the market. Its Commercial, Architectural, and Industrial Air Curtains effectively prevent heating or air conditioning from escaping through open doors to save energy efficiently and make people feel comfortable at the same time.


CD Air tech has many customers in the US market, that is the reason it is in the list.

Тип компанії: виробництво

Рік заснування: 2009

Чисельність працівників: 50

Основний продукт: Комерційна повітряна завіса, промислова повітряна завіса,УФ-повітряна завіса,Повітряна завіса постійного струму.

CE,CB,Сертифікат ISO900

Повітряна завіса CD AIR TECH

CD Air Tech є відомим брендом повітряних завіс у Китаї. ми маємо 10 команда інженерів-конструкторів і дуже сильна виробнича потужність. Ми також можемо надати продуманий, high-quality, and professional 7 * 24H Обслуговування клієнтів. Нашою перевагою є швидка доставка та підтримка індивідуальних продуктів.


Тип компанії: Manufacturing

Рік заснування: 1997

Основний продукт: Commercial Air Curtains, Industrial Air Curtains, Specialty Air Curtains.

Since 1997, POWERED AIRE has specialized in the production of Stainless Steel Air curtains. It has produced the most advanced air curtains on the market, including models of hazardous and corrosive environments. It also invested a lot of humans and money to produce more energy-efficient air curtains to respond to the global “Green” call.


Тип компанії: Distributor

Основний продукт: Berner Air Curtains,MARS Air Curtains

Distributors of Berner and Mars, if you do not have a high quantity, then you can discuss with this company.


Тип компанії: Manufacturing

Рік заснування:

Основний продукт: Commercial Air Curtains, Industrial Air Curtains.


Mars has over 50 years of experience in air curtain industry, it’s air system has installed air curtains in numerous application settings. Mars air curtain aims to keep building safe, and sanitized and can be used in a variety of different applications and industries.


Тип компанії: Manufacturing

Основний продукт: Horizontal Air Curtains, Vertical Air Curtains, Concealed Air Curtains.

ISO 9001:2015,TIS 934-2558,CE Certified

X-Per is a well-known manufacturer of Air Curtains. Its main product is air curtains, covering a wide range of commercial and industrial types and sizesincluding Insect-Blocking Air Curtains for Food and Medical IndustriesHEPA Filter Exhaust Fans for Negative Pressure Chambers and RoomsAir Coolers for Ventilation & Cooling of Farms & FactoriesFume Extractors for Industrial Applications and so on


Тип компанії: Manufacturing

Основний продукт: Surface Mounted Air Curtains, Recessed Air Curtains.

Thermoscreens is a company that provides indoor air solutions, It has offere Professional, high-quality HVAC products and systems for years. Now,Thermoscreens has been an experience expert in indoor environmental products.


Тип компанії: виробництво

Рік заснування: 1933

Основний продукт: Heating systems, Повітряні завіси,HVLS Monsterfans,Control technologies.

 Schwank is a global family-owned company with 12 subsidiaries. Continuous improvement has made it become an industry leader in the field of energy-efficient heating solutions for industrial, commercial, and logistics applications

Р. Williamson & Associates

Тип компанії: виробництво

Рік заснування: 1882

Чисельність працівників:

Основний продукт:UV-C Lights,Повітряна завіса, HVLS Fans,Make-up Air,Natural Ventilation,Dust Collection.

Р. Williamson & Associates has provided industrial heating,cooling and ventilation solutions for about 135 років. It’s main products are related to exhaust, intake, air purification and environmental separation.It also can provide some auxiliary equipment, such as noise mitigation, explosion suppression/isolation, filters, ductwork and so on.

air curtain export from China

I am Jerry, Директор з експортних продажів cdairtech.com. Я працюю на фабриці повітряних завіс більше ніж 10 років. Ви можете звернутися до мене з будь-яким питанням щодо повітряної завіси.

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