What is the benefit of air curtain

Daftar Isi

Thermal insulation function:

The places where customers often go in and out do not need to constantly open and close the door after using the air curtain such as restaurant, shopping mall and entertainment. So the indoor cold and warm air temperature can be maintained at an efficiency of 60-80%, only minor temperature change.

Insect prevention

Most of the insects can not pass the air wall, then it is easy to keep the healthy enviroment of fruit counters, fast food restaurants and etc.

Dust prevention:

In precision machinery factory, the food store or clothing shop on the oppsite of the bus lane, it can effectively shield the outside

Sterilization function:

UV light can install on the air curtain, then it can kill the bacteria and viruses in the air.

UV Light air curtain
ekspor tirai udara dari Cina

Saya Jerry, Direktur Penjualan Ekspor cdairtech.com. Saya telah bekerja di pabrik tirai udara selama lebih dari 10 bertahun-tahun. Anda dapat menghubungi saya jika ada pertanyaan tentang tirai udara.

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Manajer Ekspor kami akan menghubungi Anda di dalam 1 hari kerja, tolong perhatikan emailnya: jerry.zhang@cdairtech.com

industry air curtain in warehouse
principle of revolving door air curtain1

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